Faster, Stronger, Stiffer - The Full Package

The MACH2.6 is a very polished package and a quantum leap forward in performance & ease of use over its predecessors

mach2.4 3D imageMACH2.6 3D

It's possible to view a full 3D render of the MACH2.6 that will allow you to zoom and tilt to any section of the hull, foils and rig. Once you have downloaded the file, you can rotate, zoom in, turn off layers and see cross sections of the MACH2.6

PLEASE NOTE In order view the 3D render, the file must be opened in Adobe Reader and the 3D viewing option activated.

Just follow these steps

Step 1
Download Adobe Reader and load the program on your computer. Click here to download  Adobe Reader

Step 2
Download a 3D render of the new MACH2.6 and save it to your computer. To download and save, click here

Step 3
Open the 3D render file in Adobe Reader, accept trust document and activate 3D viewing. You are are now ready to start viewing the MACH2 in 3D. Hit one of the orange arrow buttons to activate, use your mouse to manipulate the 3D model

Step 4
If you have problems opening up the file and viewing the 3D render, you can get more information and help with viewing 3D content  click here

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